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Kollektives Träumen

The world is changing rapidly in both good and bad ways, old structures are crumbling. New ones are not yet in place. Some questions are too damn tricky and too damn important to just leave them to the analytic mind. We will bravely delve into the deep waters of our collective unconscious by exploring a social dreaming matrix, and we will do dancy movement explorations to address questions like: How can we organize ourselves to un-fuck-up our ways of living together in a deeply troubled world? How do we want to relate to one another, as humans and non-humans, to contribute to an ongoingness of life on this planet? What kinds of bonds and commitments do we want to share, what kinds of families and communities do we want to build, what kinds of futures are we able to imagine? Let's not look for answers, but let's try and ask some of the right questions, and let's ask our bodies to help us find them. Let's dream together, let's dance a dance of the future, let's invite our bodies, souls, hearts and minds to collectively dream new realities into being.



Jo Koppe

Jo Koppe ist freiberuflicher Tänzer, Performer und Seminarleiter sowie selbsternannter Experte im Durchschiffen von Zwischenräumen vieler Art. Sein Interesse gilt dem Erschaffen unwahrscheinlicher Begegnungsräume, dem Bau unmöglicher Brücken und dem Füttern queerer Monster.

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