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Sexuelle Idendität

& Schatten

Most of us have not had a healthy initiation into the sexual identity of our choosing. In this workshop you’ll connect with your freedom to choose and create how you uniquely live in the world as a sexual being! Through an eye opening mix of meditation, partner dialoguing and ritual you are invited to release the hold of limiting labels of sexual identity and play with the vast possibilities of how you choose to engage with your sexuality.



Sadhu Valakhilyas

Sadhu is a sacred sexual priest, devoted to living the return of the ways of love in our world. His work emphasizes our profound capacity to collaborate & co-create with life, and each other. He has a deep passion for movement, touch, ritual, mythology, sexual expression and embodying the flow of life! He facilitates shamanic sexuality and other consciousness expanding workshops, events and individual sessions. Sadhu currently lives in Amsterdam.

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