Holding My Man
How can we improve the quality of our cuddling and intimacy with a partner?
“Holding My Man” takes the mutual act of cuddling and breaks it down to giving and receiving.
We will bring attention to how it feels to hold someone and to be held. We will hone our ability to understand what we really want, how to ask for it and how to listen to the needs of our partner and support them in the best way.
Roman, Julian und Uffe
the cuddle collective:
Roman, Julian and Uffe have skills and backgrounds from many different areas. Roman is an internationally renown breath worker, actor and one time berghain barman/celebrity. Julian is a physical performer, whole body focuser and certified temple whore and Uffe is a erstwhile political scientist now moonlighting as a professional cuddler with his new donation based initiative “cuddleNcompany”.
Together they are interested in exploring comfort, connection and consent in collective inclusive spaces.
They run a monthly Cuddle Puddle at the Village.