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Emancipation from Normativity//

Zeljko Blace

This workshop will look at emancipatory movements and personal growth of queers with a special focus on sport as one of the last bastions of discrimination especially related to gender and sexuality. It perpetuates power relations and is often the source of early traumas for queer youth - leading to alienation of one's own body or social isolation. For this reason urgency of its queering and reclaiming is gaining momentum and its methods of engagement go beyond usual activist practices.


Zeljko works in fields of contemporary culture, digital media technologies and community sport. Cross-pollinating queer, media and social practices in his work as artist, activist, researcher, producer, designer, curator, critic... He was co-founder of Multimedia Institute/club MaMa in Zagreb, researcher at Jan van Eyck Academie, and He instigated QueerSport community and was president of society for queer athletes and sport enthusiasts.



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