Enactive Embodiment
Sensations, feelings, thoughts and the environment are constantly intertwined in enacting another moment. One entry point into the complexity of this process is our body. By experiencing our living body consciously, we can not only participate in a constant becoming and dissolving, we also can experience a shared agency, a sense of being both creative as well as subjected to our own embeddedness, the volume of which we can turn up or down, or we can tune in or out of. What if embodiment could enact a form of power, a message with political and social implications? What if that was nourishing and easy?
11:00 - 12:30
Kai Ehrhardt
Kai is a breath therapist based on Prof. Ilse Middendorf's work, a Continuum teacher, holds the German Heilpraktiker license for psychotherapy and co-founded the Somatic Academy of Berlin. He created Authentic Eros - Explorations for Men & For and Beyond all Genders and curates the STRETCH and the BODY IQ festivals. In 2016 he initiated a new Community Center in Berlin called Village. He believes that the conscious body and the reclaiming of Eros are crucial elements in our evolution toward an integral way of life. Kai teaches since 2002 in Europe and in the US.