Moving Identities
Who am I? To whom am I being made? What is identity and how is it being (re-)created? Together we will look at these questions and how to move within and especially around our own identity. Through a set of exercises, alone and within the group, we are going on a journey to explore ourselves and to discover our identity(-ies) in a new way. We are going to experience a transition of our self, which creates a new reality around us through an improvised play.
16:00 - 17:30
Max Appenroth
Max Appenroth is a trans* activist from Berlin, who explores questions around identity and body constructions on a personal, political and academic level. Queer politics, the approach to bodies outside of societal norms and the development of identities are an integral part of his work as a freelance trainer, lecturer, scholar and activist. The experience of a changeability of identity means for him a detachment from strict norms and a gain in personal freedom.