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Intercorporeity & Collectivity

How is intercorporeity generated and experienced in and through movement? How does an emphatic relation to and a familiarity with each other develop? How is an ‘us’ formed through interbodily communication and resonance? Alternating movement and reflection, we are going to explore different forms of collectivity: Between homogenizing through unidirectional dynamics with a predetermined goal and a fixed group identity and processes of a complex and situational dialogue, where an ‘us’ without suppression of diversity may develop.


11:00 - 12:30

Undine Eberlein

Undine Eberlein, studied at the FU Berlin and received her PhD in philosophy for an investigation on „Einzigartigkeit. Das romantische Individualitätskonzept der Moderne“ (Campus 2000); lecturer at the FU Berlin and Universität Magdeburg and for further adult education; at the same time training as a course instructor for Autogenous Training, Tai Chi and Qi Gong and active in somatic research; currently teaching at the ASH Berlin, doing research in “Leibphänomenologie” and publishing an anthology „Zwischenleiblichkeit und bewegtes Verstehen - Intercorporeity, Movement and Tacit Knowledge“. 

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Details Workshops  Friday 17th November 

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