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Living Intelligence

Each cell in our body has living intelligence. It can breathe, move, perceive and is capable of knowing itself. It has a past, a present, a future. Embodiment is the awareness of the cells of themselves. Consciousness of the experienced moment. There is no witness, only direct experience. We will explore diversity, homeostasis between the cells and communication among them. We will experience the uniqueness of cells, their living process and how together they form specific communities and function as different tissues to support the whole person. 


13:00 - 14:30

Nina Wehnert

teaches BMC®, Contact Improvisation and Yoga in Classes, Workshops, at Dance Festivals and Contemporary Dance Schools as well at Yoga Teacher Trainings. She is Somatic Movement Educator (BMC®) and Practitioner (BMC®) studied with moveus and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and is part of the team of the Somatische Basis Ausbildung at Somatische Akademie Berlin. She is on the board of the germanspeaking BMC® Association GLIA.

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